
How to Add LinkedIn OAuth to Your Signup Flow

Learn how to add LinkedIn OAuth to your signup flow.

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Adding LinkedIn OAuth to your React application's signup flow enables users to authenticate with their LinkedIn accounts, simplifying the registration process and enhancing user experience. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of integrating LinkedIn OAuth into your React application, including code references.


Adding LinkedIn OAuth to Your Signup Flow

Step 1: Register Your OAuth Application on LinkedIn

First, register your application on LinkedIn:

1. Visit the LinkedIn Developers portal

2. Fill in the required details and click 'Create app'

3. In your newly created app, go to the 'Auth' tab

4. Set the Redirect URL to where users will be redirected after authentication (e.g., http://localhost:3000/auth/linkedin/callback)

5. Note down the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' as they'll be needed later.

Step 2: Set Up Your React Application

Create a new React application using Create React App:

Step 3: Create the LinkedIn OAuth Component

Create a new LinkedInOAuth.js component in the src folder:

Replace `'your_client_id'` and `'your_client_secret'` with the values obtained from LinkedIn.

Step 4: Integrate the LinkedIN OAuth Component

In your `App.js` file, import and render the `LinkedInOAuth` component:

Step 5: Run the React Application

Now, run your React application.

Your React app should now be running at http://localhost:3000/, and you can test the LinkedIn OAuth login functionality.

Build a Login Flow using Feathery and LinkedIn OAuth

You can easily add a Feathery form to your website to create a login & signup flow that supports LinkedIn OAuth. Simply get started with one of our login templates. Otherwise if you choose to add login & signup functionality to a custom form, the steps are:

That's it—three easy steps to create a login flow using Feathery and LinkedIn OAuth.


Keep in mind that if you opt to integrate LinkedIn OAuth outside of Feathery, you'll need to store the received user profile data securely in a database and handle user sessions properly. Additionally, you'll want to consider moving the token exchange process to a secure backend server to protect your client_secret.